N & E
Napoleon & Empire

Le scrutin est clos.

Géraud Christophe de Michel du Roc a.k.a. Duroc,
duke of Friuli and Grand Marshal of the Palace, was elected
Man of Year 1813.

He won the election with 16% of vote, ahead Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington and Józef Antoni Poniatowski, 12%.

Thank you to tell us who you think to be the most outstanding personality of 1813.

The results will be cumulated until 5 January 2014.

Only one vote per IP address will be recorded, the last expressed.
You have the opportunity to change your mind if, after reflection or as a result of new facts brought to your attention, you no longer think that your choice is the good one.

Select from the 18 preset personalities.

(takes the general direction of military operations against France ... and shows himself a better general than he has ever been) (mortellement blessé par un boulet à Weissenfels en mai)
(receives the command of the Prussian army and is appointed Field Marshal after the Battle of Leipzig) (s'oppose pour la première fois à Napoléon, en toute fin d'année)
(dies near Görlitz, killed by a Russian bullet that misses the Emperor and also mows the general Kirgener)
(knows how to choose the most favorable time to bring his country to war against his ally of yesterday) (returns to Europe after 10 years or so of exile and develops with Bernadotte plans of the campaigns of 1813 and 1814. Killed by a French bullet)
(abandons his command after the Russian campaign to return to Naples and try unsuccessfully to betray Napoleon) (signs the Concordat of Fontainebleau and then retracts himself)
(promoted Marshal of the Empire three days prior to drown at the Battle of Leipzig) (enclosed in Danzig with the Xth Corps soldiers, he resists to the allies for nearly a year)
(performs a memorable across the north of Spain retired, pursued by Wellington) (succeeds in evacuating in excellent order the region of Valencia and Catalonia after the terrible defeat of Joseph Bonaparte at Vittoria)
(defeated and captured at Kulm, he replied sharply to the Tsar himself who wanted to insult him) (wins the battle of Vittoria against Joseph Bonaparte and Jourdan, then pursues Soult to the French border)

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